Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Growler

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Chase is always into whatever Taiga is into. Taiga is fanatical about cars, ever since he saw the movie "Cars". He has become quite the car collector. Chase wants to play with Taiga's cars. But, Taiga always tries to give him a ball instead, even though he has hundreds of cars. Taiga likes to line up his cars all in a row.

Today, Taiga's grandparents took him out for a little bit. So, Miya and Chase were all by themselves. Miya said that Chase would wimper for Taiga and point at the door. In order to distract him, she took him for a walk to look at the turtles and fish at the church/preschool around the corner. When they came back, Chase entered the living room and suddenly realized that, because Taiga was still out, he had ALL the toys to himself!

Miya said Chase let out a rascal, growling laugh and headed straight towards the row of cars. He started to mess up the whole row of cars Taiga had neatly arranged earlier.

That's my son for you.

It was too hot to be inside the house this afternoon, so we played in the pool in the yard. Uncle Gary, Geoff, and Daryl came by to watch Chase. Chase loved filling the pool up with water, holding the hose, spraying himself with it, and laughing over and over again.

Chase growled all day today. He has a growling, sneaky laugh. I think he also does it to experiment with his voice.

Even though my back was sore, I went to yoga tonight. Just took a prescription pain pill before I went to bed.

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