Sunday, September 14, 2008

Is That Really A Dog Made Out of Wood?...As Long As It's Not From A Hazelnut Tree...

Sunday, 14 September 2008

I had a great yoga class this morning. One good thing about being injured is that I don't need to do all the sit-ups and can take it easy on poses when I need to. It's kind of frustrating, but I need to let my body heal. I think if I start going at least 3 times a week to Bikram yoga, on a regular basis, then I'll get my strength back and heal my sciatica in time. I've got to go now that I've paid a whole chunk of change for a year's worth of membership. Since I didn't have to pay last year's membership, I figured I'm really getting a 2 for 1 deal. I have no excuse now.

Chase ran to the door when I got home and gave me a couple of big hugs. He didn't care if I was all sweaty and stinky. That's what makes kids great. After his nap, I took him to see Aunty Chris. Chris, my dad's old girlfriend, has always remained a close friend of mine. We went to check out her new place. They turned her garage into a studio apartment, with its own kitchen and bathroom. It looks great. Her son and wife and granddaughter are now living in the big house, remodeling it and making it their own. She treated me and Chase to lunch at CPK. Chase loves the bread there.

After we parted ways, Chase had fun running around the mall. He loved running around the bench exhibit because there was a bench made of dogwood. It was a dog head and tail statue, with the body (in the shape of a bench to sit on) made of dogwood. He had fun pointing at it and kept tippy-toeing to get a good view of it over the picket fence. It seemed to be the main attraction for toddlers at the mall. He was running so fast down each corridor. A couple of times, he fell and hit his face. But he'd get back up and start going again. One time, though, he fell and hit his face on the tile floor (the rest of his body was still on the carpeted side of course), so now he has a fat bottom lip.

I thought, okay, good, he's tired himself out so that when we get home, he'll take a long nap.

But, no. He kept running around at home. He had fun throwing a soccer ball. So, I started dribbling and kicking it down the hallway, and he thought that was hilarious. He'd do a "throw in", and I'd kick it around. He also had fun biting off pieces of foam from this huge tubular foam thing we have lying around (It was originally for packing a bicycle.). When I scolded him, he would spit it out and give it to me. Then, he started noticing that I was throwing it away in the garbage can. So, he began purposefully taking bites out of it, would walk over to the garbage can, and tap on it, asking me (in his own little language of course) to lift the lid so he could throw it away. He's quick, that kid. So quick, that he managed to take the night light out of the socket while I wash washing dishes. His quietness alerted me, so I asked, "Chase, what are you doing?" It must have been that teacher tone in my voice because as soon as I turned the corner, he had this devlish grin on his face and went running down the hallway and into the bedroom and bathroom with the night light in his hand.

After a few hours of running around, reading books, exploring his new and old toys, and snacking on things, I knew the only way I could get him to fall asleep was to take him for a car ride. So, off we went for a 20 minute drive to Costco. It was perfect. I got to get groceries for the house, and he got to sleep. I happened to park in the stall right across from my stepmom, and she said hi and asked if I needed help, as we both seemed to be leaving the parking lot at the same time.

Chase had a good dinner, and Daddy came home just in time from his rainy, wet bike ride in order to bathe Chase and put him to bed.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Good to hear you are back at yoga.
The sciatic nerve;I am altogether too familiar with that pain!