Sunday, November 02, 2008

Who Has Time Anyway?

Sunday, 2 November 2008

While Chris worked for Keora today and went hunting and gathering for things up trees (an annual thing he does to help out the Parks & Rec's class for wreath making), I went to yoga in the morning (though my neck and shoulders are still so stiff - thanks to carrying a toddler - that I can't quite get into my backbends as easily as before) and then came home to do 5 loads of laundry. I remember a time, when Chase was an infant and I was home on maternity leave, when I used to be able to clean the house, do load after load of laundry, cook, and even have some "me" time. But, now, with an active toddler, time just seems to pass on by.

So, it's not often that I have the whole house to myself (Chris had dropped off Chase at his parents before he went to "work"). Usually the dust piles up as much as the laundry. When you juggle tasks of cleaning, cooking, and watching a toddler, piles just end up being moved around the house. After all, our house is really just littered with Chase's toys and things. So, it was nice to finally put all those piles of things away in their appropriate places. It's a start.

By the time I picked Chase up at noon, he had eaten two breakfasts. He had 2 eggs, oatmeal, honeydew melon, and pancakes. Then he slept for an hour and a half. My goodness! The boy definitely has my appetite. He was so active this afternoon, playing in the dirt in the yard while I hung up clothes, reading books, throwing golf balls (yeah we stopped that one real quick after he threw them directly at me and laughed), and climbing all over furniture. My attempt to put him down for an afternoon nap was unsuccessful. By the time we met the Halsalls for dinner at Big City Diner, he had fallen asleep. He slept halfway through dinner. But woke up just in time to finish my salmon and brown rice entree. With a full tummy, he should sleep good tonight. And perhaps I can carve out some "me" time.

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