Sunday, December 07, 2008

Crazy Costco

Sunday, 7 December 2008

Note to Self: Do not go shopping at the busiest Costco in the nation on a Sunday afternoon.

We just happened to be in the area and needed a few things, so we stopped at Costco....It was nuts! I probably got stink eye from people as I fought for a parking stall. I thought I was going to ram my cart into someone, as I waited in traffic to navigate the aisles. I didn't even stop to get samples. It was just too crazy! We had to take a food break afterwards so I could refuel myself from the craziness.

At least I found one good buy today (not from Costco though): A fun spiral, bouncy hat for myself, and a black Scrooge hat for Chris. (We were advised to have Christmas hats for our ALS Support Group Christmas party on Tuesday night, but since my husband needs convincing to wear a hat for such an occasion, I thought the Scooge one was most appropriate.)

Chase has been coughing all last night and has a runny nose. When we got home, he had a 102.7 degree fever. Poor guy. Chris was under the weather this weekend too, so hopefully I don't catch it. We'll have to keep Chase home from the sitter's tomorrow. I would try to nebulize him, but not at this late hour, since it will keep him wired all night. So, let's hope that Tylenol helps him out tonight, and that he sleeps okay and we will reassess the situation in the morning.

One amazing thing he did today was when I was feeding him lunch. I asked him if he wanted more, and he showed me the sign for "MORE". I had never seen him do that before, and I've been using the sign for months. At least I know he's been paying attention! It was pretty neat to see him using his signs again.

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