Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sick Boys

Sunday, 21 December 2008

So far, winter vacation has started off with a bumpy start. Chase has been sick all weekend: feverish, clingy, has hardly eaten any solid food, and only late this afternoon, did he start to perk up and want to play (by throwing all my clean clothes behind the sofa, and laughing). And, looks like Chris has caught his cold again. I seem to be okay, but I'm taking my vitamins and my Emergen-C.

Yesterday, while my car was in the shop getting new brakes, we tried to decorate the Christmas tree, but we realized that it's easier to decorate the tree when Chase is asleep. We've already had a few ornament casualties since Chase didn't realize that the glass ball ornaments are a bit fragile when you throw them. And he's getting frustrated seeing the big gate around the Christmas tree.

Today, when Chase wasn't laying on me, he wanted to be carried. Usually he's fine entertaining himself. But today he was just like a zombie on me. So, I looked for these videos I bought him. The only thing is they were already wrapped. I had to unwrap three Christmas presents before I finally found the right one. I put in the Signing Time videos (which teach sign language), and he was only minimally amused. He watched the yardmen weedwack our hill, and then he copied us as we spent the rest of the afternoon/evening whacking mosquitoes in the house. Chris took him for a walk to the park, where they played for a bit. I stayed back to clean the car (Thanks Uncle Gary for washing!)....We did load after load of laundry today, and Joel and Sonyei visited (and we stood there just whacking away at mosquitoes) to drop of a Christmas present for Chase. You know the kid is sick when he is not running, jumping, and laughing all over the place, and he absolutely refuses any kind of food!

I got Chase to eat some rice, but that's about all he wanted to eat. He took a bath and fell asleep on the changing table. We won't send him to the sitter's tomorrow, as I know that's probably where he's been picking up these viruses anyway. Hopefully, everyone is healthy by the time Christmas rolls around!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Well, about now I am ready to trade in our snow shovel for a can of mosquito spray!