Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Rainy Date Day

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Today's yoga class was great. It's always nice to do yoga on a rainy day. But it's not so nice to have rain on a day out. Today was Date Day. The Halsalls watched Chase while Chris and I went to see "007: Quantam of Solace". It rained like crazy, thunderstorming, and flooding the streets. After Kua'Aina burgers for lunch, we killed time in a store. That's when we heard the thunder and the rain pounding the pavement. We got caught in a huge storm, without our umbrellas, and had to run across two huge intersections, completely soaked before we got into the theater. We ended up eating dinner at the Halsalls, so we could have some leftover turkey soup, perfect comfort food for a day like today.

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