Friday, December 05, 2008

Peggy's Memorial Service

Friday, 5 December 2008

Attended Peggy's memorial services today at Kawaiha'o Church. Such a beautiful church. I think the last time I stepped foot in that church was for my high school baccalaureate services. Since it's the Christmas season, the church was beautifully decorated with lights and holiday decor. Chase and I sat towards the back, near all the other families with kiddos. There was beautiful music, singing, and eulogies. After the first twenty minutes or so, I had to take Chase outside and listen from the front entrance. He was okay sitting on my lap at first, but then he began climbing and standing and yelling. So he played outside with his toys for awhile, until the family that was in front of my car said they were leaving. So I took the opportunity to go as well. Chase is just way too active to sit still at a funeral. There were specials on TV and in the newspaper honoring the local artist for her work and contribution to Hawai'i. Even a few of her Peg's Legs got dressed in penguin costumes and antlers for the occasion, just as Peggy would have had she been here. But, she was there for sure, smiling down on everyone for her celebration of life. She has finally earned her wings.

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