Friday, December 19, 2008

Winter Vacay Is Here!

Friday, 19 December 2008

I am officially on Winter Vacation. Though we don't have any snow like in Seattle, it does get darker earlier, and it is rainier in the winter. I'm hoping we have some drier days ahead so that I can take Chase to the beach (thankfully it's still warm out). Since we don't have any travel plans over the next three weeks, and my Christmas presents are all wrapped (though we still haven't decorated the tree yet), my goals are fairly simple:

1) Get 50+ report cards written
2) Clean the house
3) Clean the house
4) Clean the house

I hope Chase gets better soon so that we also can spend some quality time together and decide whether he's going to visit Santa or not. Poor Chase has just finished his antibiotics, but we visited the doctor's again today because he's had slight fevers the past couple of days. It's nothing he needs medication for though. Just looks as though he's fighting another "virus". I've managed to stay healthy so far (knock on wood), so hopefully he gets better soon.

Ah, my other goal is to figure out a way to add more pictures to my blog without having to pay for more storage. I may have to start another blog under another name. I guess after 4 years of blogging, I'm taking up too much space in the blogosphere. Just give me a couple of days, and then you'll be able to see Chase sporting his new little boy haircut.

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