Wednesday, May 24, 2006

My Students Perform

Thursday, 25 May 2006

After weeks of preparation, the students performed successfully this morning. The one kindergartner who I thought wouldn't be ready for the performance was the loudest one on stage, and our 6th grade emcee stepped up to the plate. Nicole, my assistant, worked on editing the video all day yesterday, and although the kids were a little stagefright singing "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" and "Over in the Meadow", they were cute, and the parents and kids enjoyed the performance.

I shared lots of summer information and tips on how to help their kids read. Students and parents requested copies of the video (and a couple captured bits of their own on their camcorders). It was a success thanks to the hard work of my part-time teachers and students! Whew!

Now, time to write sub plans for tomorrow and a year-end comprehensive report I've been putting off. All due tomorrow, but eh, let's tackle one day at a time please!

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