Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Lunch Get-Together

Thursday, 30 June 2005

After my two week working vacation of no yoga, I had to get back into it and stretch my tight muscles this morning. I made sure I downed a couple liters of water before 8:30 am so I was hydrated enough for the sweaty exercise. Besides being a bit tight in places I'm usually not, it was a good workout. Ran home to shower and change, then drove back down the hill to meet my dad and Jay for lunch at Kaimuki Chop Suey, a local mom and pop Chinese restaurant that has cheap lunch plates. My dad's friends, Sharon and Frank, as well as my Uncle Gary, had taken their lunch break from work to meet us. We hung outside a bit looking out for my dad, and then we saw Jay driving by in his truck. "Where's Dad??" I wondered. We noticed Jay driving around the blocks looking for parking, but no Dad. I was thinking, I hope I wasn't supposed to pick my dad up. We were all a bit confused, then all of a sudden, wheeling towards us in his burgundy electric scooter, is my dad, donning his Fireman baseball cap and a smile on his face. He had driven his scooter, which we just got working before we left for vacation, from his house about ten blocks to the restaurant. We laughed about the "How Is My Driving?" sticker and streamers we ought to put on my dad's new toy. Given the strong battery life and ease of mobility, it has become a great vehicle of independence for my dad (Yesterday, he rode it from his house in Palolo Valley to Ruger Market near Kapi'olani Community College, and he's convinced it probably has enough battery life for him to ride it from his house to Waikiki and check out the chicks on the beach of course.).

We enjoyed our won ton mein, minute chicken, and oyster sauce cake noodle, for a few bucks each, then we all headed our separate ways back to work and back to my dad's house for the rest of the afternoon.

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