Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Sanislo Graduation

Tuesday, 21 June 2005

Tried to organize and pack more things today. It's kinda sad to go through my things and think about all the memories and friends I've made here in Seattle. Not everything will be able to go with me this trip, and even though I'll have to leave good friends behind, I hope they'll come visit me! I know I'll at least be back in Seattle next March, as Marissa asked me to be one of her bridesmaids. So, that's exciting!

Went to the 12:30 pm 5th grade graduation ceremony at Sanislo, and I sat right next to Kristin, my friend and former boss Cathy's daughter. Then, on the other side of Kristin was Melissa, my longtime friend from Hawai'i who is also visiting Seattle. I haven't seen her yet since returning to Hawai'i, and she just so happened to be attending the graduation of her friend's daughter, who was in the other second grade class when I taught there. Small world!!!

Chatted with many staff members and many asked about my dad. It was fun to congratulate my former students, and Uso and Fernando came up to me for a hug.

Rushed to pick up Marissa from work so I could take her to her physical therapy appointment, as she is still recovering from ACL surgery. After perusing several magazines in the doctor's office, I took her back to work and hung out on The Ave for an hour while she finished working. Reminisced about my old stomping grounds and the college days walking down this street filled with more stores and Starbuck's than ever before! The weather turned for the worst and was suddenly thunderstorming and raining....Ah, this is the Seattle weather I know. I knew it was too good to be true!

After work, Marissa dropped me off to meet Maila and Stacy for dinner at our favorite Malay Satay Hut, near my other school Gatzert. Enjoyed mango chicken, sambal shrimp, and Malaysian pork chops, and noodles, while catching up on my dad and the new house Maila and her husband Lyon recently bought.

Got home and chatted with Marissa while sharing leftovers and watching television, leaving little motivation to sort more of my belongings, although I did manage to make some garage sale signs and move the piles of clothes off of the couch and into more organized boxes.

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