Friday, June 17, 2005

Off with Bubble Wrap I Go

Friday, 17 June 2005

As you can see, my photo library is onto my Japan trip in May. I'm almost caught up! Well, my interview (if you can call it that...the guy seemed to want to give me answers after every response) to get into the teaching hiring pool for the Hawai'i public schools went well. First, I was the only one in awhile who's come through that actually has a teaching certificate and a Master's degree. Second, I have teaching experience. Now, I just have to wait for principals to contact me for interviews if they have vacancies at their schools. Getting a teaching job in special ed will be no problem if that's what I want, as there's a shortage here.

I've packed a suitcase full of bubble wrap from my brother's surfboards. Along with my carry on of a few toiletries and outfits to last me a couple of days, I'm leaving to board another airplane in a couple of hours...This time, it's a short flight though...Just over the water to Seattle. After riding nearly 20 hour plane rides back and forth, flying from Hawai'i to Seattle is like nothing. My brother and his girlfriend should have arrived in Portland this morning and will drive to Seattle this weekend. My dad and stepmom arrive tomorrow night and go on their Alaskan cruise Sunday. The rest of my week will be spent visiting with friends, opening up my boxes in the basement, and sorting through what's for keeps, what's coming back to Hawai'i (at this time), what's being sold, and what's going in the trash. I'll have to visit several friends' homes as my personal belongings and teaching materials are scattered all over greater Seattle. Hopefully, I'll have a successful garage sale at Marissa's house next Sunday before I leave. Wish me luck! It will be a nice vacation for everyone. More when I get back!

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