Sunday, June 25, 2006

A Yakudoshi, A Movie in Tokyo, A Scottish Festival, and Hooters...Now THAT'S A Way To Spend a Sunday!

Sunday, 25 June 2006

No yoga this morning as Joel was going to pick me up early. Joel picked me up at 9 am to head to Hale Koa hotel for his brother-in-law's Yakudoshi, a Japanese tradition of celebrating the 41st birthday. It was also a celebration of life with good friends and family (about 400 guests), as Keali'i has been fighting colon and testicular cancer ever since he overcame his battle with leukemia. His wife, Noe (Joel's younger sister), is younger than me, and has already had to deal with so much in their few years of marriage. Since he was a firefighter for a few years, he knows my brother too, and we just made the connection that my brother attended one of his fundraiser's a few months ago. My heart goes out to Keali'i (aka Isaac) and Noe.

Had a lovely buffet of food, visited with old classmates and family friends, had fun listening to stories of debauchery, hilarious emcees telling embarrasing stories of Keali'i, the YMCA choir (that he used to belong to) sing songs, seeing his kenpo teacher promote him to a new level, as well as Keali'i thanking Noe for her support and love through such a difficult time.

After picture taking and stuffing ourselves with an eclectic brunch buffet spread, Joel and I went to go see "Fast and Furious" to get out of the heat of the day, of course stopping at Dave & Buster's first to play some shooting and racing video games. Then, we went to check out the Scottish Festival at Kapi'olani Park with his mom and Rick. Took pictures of the medieval dressed characters sparring, and then took off again to meet Joel's girlfriend Ei and drive around Waikiki a bit. We stopped near the boat harbor and watched the fisherman fishing, drank Jamba Juice, then dropped her off at work. Joel and I headed out once more to meet his mom and friends at Hooter's. We ate hot wings, laughed at baby Connor's love of cleaning the table, and after drooling over Connor's grilled cheese sandwich, (remember I had already eaten nearly a dozen hot wings already at this point) Rick and I had to split one ourselves.

With all the wine, rich fancy foods, cheesecake on a stick, lunch buffet, buttery movie popcorn, hot wings, and grilled cheese I had this weekend, my body will be ready for detox in yoga tomorrow!

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