Sunday, September 24, 2006

Hiking With Chris

Sunday, 24 September 2006

After 9 am yoga class, I ate, did laundry, relaxed and got ready to go on a hike with Chris. He picked me up promptly at 1 pm, and we headed out to Aiea Heights Loop. We chatted about work, relationships, and I guess life in general. I felt comfortable to just jump right in to the deep topics and even pick the meat out of my teeth after we at Korean food for dinner, since we've known each other for so long. Strange how you don't see or talk to someone for about ten years, and then suddenly you can spend a few hours with together and it's almost as if all that time has not passed. Ultimately, we're still the same people we were when we were junior leaders and leaders at Summer Fun together...He's still the laid-back mountain biker I went out with twelve years ago, but we've both grown a bit with our travels, relationships, work, and life experiences. In any case, I'm glad that he came up to me at the wedding, and likewise, he thanked me for leaving the note on his time card. And, I think we lucked out because near the end of the hike, we caught a beautiful rainbow caressing the mountains over H-3. Chris commented that he thought we should split the pot of gold 60-40...How presumptuous of him, if I must say!

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