Monday, September 25, 2006

Like 'Sex & The City'

Monday, 25 September 2006

I felt like I was calling Dr. Phil or Frasier tonight when I called in to my friend's new radio show tonight. It's on relationships, and me being what one friend calls "The Professional Dater", called in to help kickstart my friend's debut. She prepped me on what the topics would be, and once I found the correct station on the radio, I called in to give my two cents. Kinda funny because her co-host is someone we both met and dated from the same online site. So, it felt comfortable, like we were all just shooting the breeze. Although I used an alias...just in case. We talked about the pros and cons of online dating, and I emphasized how it depends what stage in your life you are in, and what you are looking for. With online dating, you must expect that everyone is out there dating everyone else...Juggling, as one might call it. But, if you are open and honest with those you are dating, then it shouldn't be a problem, until the "dating" level changes the relationship to a new level. Keeping it light is important, and if the right chemistry is there, then it may evolve into something more. But, I think keeping your options open is not such a bad thing. After all, how are you supposed to know exactly what you want if you don't know what's out there to begin with?

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