Saturday, September 09, 2006

Walk, Makeup, Massage, and Our Own "Project Runway"

Saturday, 9 September 2006

After an early morning full of exercise, I crashed out on the couch in front of the TV, while gorging on food. My morning started at 6:40 am when I left to go to yoga, only to find that my brother's truck was blocking me in. A cell phone call didn't reach him (as I knew he's such a heavy sleeper anyway), so I figured I had better start walking. I started my speed walk down the hill and made it in time for class. Unfortunately, I had started sweating before I even started class! But, it was a good class, even though I had to take my glasses on and off to focus and see myself in the mirror (my contacts are still on order).

Called Jay after class, and he laughed that I had to walk down the hill, but said, "Hey, good exercise, huh?!" Bastard. I said, "Well, you can pick me up now." And he said he would but he would have to leave work to do that. Geez. Okay, guess I better prepare myself for the walk up the hill, which is not so bad, but much harder after a yoga workout.

This afternoon, I met Nina, Noe, and Joy at Kahala Mall to get our makeup matched at the MAC counter. The wedding is a week from today, so we're getting the fun girly prep stuff done. Ran into my friend Jennifer there, and she had fun checking out our dresses and makeup as well. Then, we headed off to buy pupus for our private massage soiree at their friend's day spa in Hawai'i Kai. After the business closed to the public, we set up our food (and I was more than eager to let everyone else get their massages first so that I could eat!). We had fun talking and getting to know each other, swapping stories about my ex, selling my masseuse on Bikram yoga, and getting a relaxing neck, shoulder, and back massage. We had a fashion show with our bridesmaid dresses and helped each other tie the dress together. Nina's mom copied an idea of a dress, and it turned out really nice. Her brother still has to add a final touch of airbrush art to it, but it's a very versatile, cute style which we can wear it again and still carry our own "look" in it.

We all left around 10:30 pm. After eating one too many of Lara's chocolate peanut butter crunch dessert, I decided to just head home for the night rather than hitting the dance club with Emily and friends. Besides, I'm too relaxed to get all dressed up again!

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