Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Wednesday, 6 September 2006

Now I know why I have been so tired lately and feeling funky. This morning, I woke up with an extremely SORE THROAT! Looks like I've been battling an illness. And, to make matters worse, my teaching partner called in sick this morning! Looks like there is something going around.

So, I taught all of my kids today on my own, which wasn't so bad, but hard on the throat. I drank my Airborne all day long. Hopefully, I'll just get laryngitis, but I don't want the whole congestion thing. We'll have to wait and see.

This afternoon, Jay picked up Korean food, and I got pho for myself (the soup sounded and felt good on my throat). Cousin Mike, Susan, and the boys came over to eat lunch with us. Mike and Susan are visiting from Seattle to visit the boys. Roman turns 5 tomorrow. Uncle Gary brought cocoa puffs over, and we had fun laughing at the boys, entertaining them with the water hose, and catching up under the heat of the tent outside.

I waited for Aunty Sharon to come over to relieve me. She brought dinner for dad tonight. Gotta go home and get some zzzzz's. Need to kick this cold. I have a busy next couple of weeks.

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