Friday, September 08, 2006

Of Course You Didn't Do It

Friday, 8 September 2006

After a teacher started getting on my nerves today, I headed to Dad's an hour late, and found out that neither Jay nor he had eaten yet. Dad wanted to use a gift certificate to order Chinese food. So, we ordered food, and I went to pick it up. We didn't eat lunch until almost 3 pm (and FYI, I get a bit grouchy on an empty stomach). Once my blood sugar level was up, Jay took off, and I took Dad to Costco so that I could get new contact lenses. Another teacher called me on my cell phone to talk school stuff, and I thought, geez isn't it the weekend already?! Sometimes, it's nice to remind yourself that it's FRIDAY! (Went to yoga tonight to let off some steam....(=...)

I was sweating again by the time I loaded Dad in the van (and I thought August was our hottest month here....September's been really humid!), then bathed him with my mask again. Even though my sore throat is gone, I still cannot risk getting him sick when his respiratory health is poor. We talked about how Bernie is trying to get the breathing device that helps clear mucus, but we're not sure if he has enough strength to blow air out into it effectively. We talked about their getaway this weekend to stay in a hotel in Waikiki (donated by a friend) and to see Cirque Hawai'i. Dad asked whether I was disappointed that I couldn't tutor in the afternoons, when I was offered the opportunity to do so. He asked if money was an issue or if caregiving was getting to be too much. Just the money. I don't mind caregiving. Jay and I will get respite Monday and Tuesday as Bernie will be taking those days off from work.

As I was drying Dad off, I pulled him forward to get his back, and when I laid him back against the chair, I heard a "Bhoot!".

Me: "Gross, Dad!"
Dad: "I didn't do it. It was the chair."
Me: "Yeah, right....Geez, and my head was down there!!"
Dad: "What? Try smell it. I bet you $100 I didn't do it."
Me: "Yeah, how am I supposed to know. I have a mask on. Of course I can't tell. I can't smell anything! Good story, Dad. Good one."

He is still holding on to his $100 bet.

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