Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Labor Day Weekend

Friday, 1 September 2006

First day of no yoga after 31 days...thought I'd take a break! So, I headed out with the gals from work to Gordon Biersch for some dinner and cocktails. We gabbed and didn't talk about teaching too much. Talked more about going out next time!

Saturday, 2 September 2006

Back to my yoga weekend regimen, I went to 7 am yoga, then did some school shopping and clothes shopping. After I got my "necessities" I parked my truck at Miya's house, and walked over to Kapi'olani Park to meet Joel at the Okinawan Festival. We ate food, watched some cool traditional dancing and taiko drumming performances, and watched Traci Toguchi sing, promoting her debut album, "Feel the Breeze" (I called my cousin Steph in Seattle to let her know we ran into her good friend and were watching her perform). Joel's family came, and I later ran into Chris and her friends and Melissa and her family. For the rest of the evening, we sat in the passing showers and danced the night away in the Bon Dance portion of the event. Joel's Young Okinawan Club did a performance and provided music for some of the dance. Melissa, Quinn, Mariko, Joel, Joel's mom, and I danced and had a blast trying to follow along! Joel walked me back to my car at 10 pm, and I dropped him off so that he could help pack up and get ready for tomorrow!

Sunday, 3 September 2006

Went to 9 am yoga today as I was exhausted, and then rested and ran some errands, did a little work on school stuff at Starbuck's, etc. Jay and I went to check out sales at CompUSA, but didn't buy anything. That night, I headed out with the gals again (Kelly, Emily, Michelle, Amanda, Sarah, and their friends) to Waikiki. We all met at the end of Kalakaua near the zoo and walked to Fashion 45 in our black and white outfits for the Black and White party. We had fun dancing and this promoter guy said he'd put me on the guest list for next time. We left after a few hours, and went to get a bite to eat. Bad move! Alcohol and fast food in one night...two toxins I rarely do, and at 3 in the morning, not a good move. I knew I would regret eating the chicken sandwich and french fries later...

Monday, 4 September 2006

Before I left for yoga this morning, I turned on the TV to see the MDA Telethon, and I was surprised to see my dad's story from last year on! Of course I got all teary-eyed. After 9 am yoga, I headed home to rest and relax. Plus I had to get my sub plans done for tomorrow since I have a workshop to go to, and haven't done any school work this weekend. I had planned on going to the MDA Telethon to help out all day, but didn't get there until 2 pm. Helped in the back, writing down pledges for the commentators to read on TV, and eating all the snacks around us, donuts, pizza, chips, etc. Still felt crappy from the fast food last night, so knew I shouldn't overindulge. My stepmom said that Dad used the BiPap machine last night for a few hours as he really was having trouble breathing in the middle of the night. He realizes now that he may need it when he sleeps (FINALLY!). He also has been gagging and coughing a lot more this weekend, so it is important that someone be with him at all times, as he might not necessarily say that he needs water or something. Watching his movements and looking at him are important when he's trying to cough as it's not always audible.

Watched as my stepmom answered phones for the client phone bank for a couple hours, and talked with Lisa, who has bulbar onset ALS. A former 39 year old teacher, Lisa has slurred speech, and has to mash up all her food because her swallowing muscles have weakened so much. She says she misses eating shrimp scampi and potato chips most. The things she usually eats now include mashed potatoes and Jamba Juice. It was sad to see some of our friends who passed away this year from ALS, but also good to see that there was so much coverage on ALS. For some reason, this year's telethon, both nationally and locally, seemed to have many stories on ALS patients, featuring individual stories to support groups, to national efforts to raise money for research. Unfortunately it seems many new patients have Bulbar onset, which affects the speech first, and can degenerate those individuals faster than limb onset (which my dad has), as it hits the respiratory muscles quicker. It was good to see our friends and to see that Hawai'i raised over $350,000 this year. Thanks for all of your support! Hope you tuned in to the telethon!

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