Saturday, December 01, 2007

Chase's Debut For The Wong Family

Saturday, 1 December 2007

Washed Chase's new clothes (gifts from friends and mom), so he could have some new fleece sleepers to keep him warm. Mom borrowed a swing and exersaucer from someone at work, so we put the exersaucer together to see if he would like it, and he loved it! He's a little too short, so we had to put pillows on the bottom so his feet would touch. But, he loves playing with the different toys and grabbing at everything and making them move. We'll have to get one for our house in Hawai'i.

We packed up the swing and bags, loaded them into Gary's truck, and headed on our two hour drive down to Campbell, where my Auntie Shelley lives. Got there by 2:30 pm (well-rested, thank goodness I didn't have to drive!), and mingled with guests at 5 pm. There was lots of food (thanks to Costco!) and desserts. We talked to my cousins Tricia and Michelle via web cam since they're away at college and couldn't be here to see Chase in person. Chase had his share of spit ups and changes of clothing, plus a huge four-diaper-explosion finally, staying true to his once-a-week schedule. Chris and I had fun visiting with all of my aunts and uncles, friends of the family, and my high school friend David and his gf. Even Auntie Cynthia and Uncle Jimmy (my dad's brother) drove down from Santa Rosa to see Chase. There were probably about thirty people there.

When we weren't eating or taking pictures of Chase in his Christmas garb in the sleigh full of stuffed animals, we were watching football. We had fun watching the exciting UH vs. UW game. I hope Dad was watching.

With all the excitement, I forgot my pump, battery charger, and Chase's spoon there by accident. Got back to Popo's house in Mountain View at 11:30 pm and opened all the gifts for Chase...lots of warm clothes, some toys, hooded towels, stuffed animals, and books. Plus, we got lots of Trader Joe's snacks and Auntie Esther gave us some dried persimmons, which I've been enjoying snacking on.

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