Monday, December 03, 2007

Sick Chase

Monday, 3 December 2007

Chase slept from about 3 am to 8 am this morning, which is a long stretch for him. I did his laundry the morning, then Chris and I drove my mom's car to REI. We both shopped a bit for ourselves and for others. Since Costco was right in the same parking lot, we grabbed lunch there, then got a nasal aspirator and saline drops and some baby food for Chase.

Gary prepared a delicious meal of pork and prosciutto with spinach, and my mom made yams to complement it. I recalled that Gary made this gourmet meal for me when I first met him years ago. It was just as delicious back then!

We bathed Chase, fed him oatmeal and yams, though he was not too interested in those, and much preferred his pears instead. Poor Chase is still really congested. We got a lot out with the nasal aspirator, but I hate using it, as he just screams and screams. He is all red and his eyes are so puffy, but he did sleep a lot today. He can still laugh too, so that's encouraging. But, I just want him to get better!

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