Thursday, April 03, 2008

Feverish and Sick Baby

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Chase was super hot at midnight and 4 am this morning. He was feverish, super hot when he nursed, yet he was very talkative (His "na na na"s and "da da da"s and "ma ma ma"s were probably swearing, saying "I'm sick!") At 6 am, when he finally woke up, he was so fussy that I had to hold him as I got ready for work. He had a runny nose, mostly on his left side, but it was clear. I told Miya that I was going to drop him off at the Halsalls because he was sick. I had to nurse him three or four times in the next hour before I dropped him off. He got super fussy, clenching his thighs to show his frustration and arching his back. Throughout the day, even with two doses of Tylenol, his temperature went from 101 to almost 103 and down to 101 again. He did a lot of nursing and sleeping today. He ate some poi at 6 pm, then we gave him ibuprofen, and he went to sleep. He was fussy for the next couple of hours, so I finally pulled him into bed with me at 9 pm (He's been wanting to be by mommy and be carried by mommy all day today). After midnight, he woke up and was very talkative, bouncy and more alert, not feverish, but stuffy. At 3:30 am, he woke up again, and was talkative and playful. I tried to nurse him back to sleep, and all of a sudden, he went into a giggle fit, laughing hysterically for some reason. He just couldn't stop laughing. Crazy kid. I looked at Chris and we started smiling. Guess he feels better?! I didn't want to say anything..didn't want to encourage his playfulness at 4 am, but it was cute, and nice to see him feeling better. Finally, I had to put him in the swing to go to sleep because he was just getting too playful and awake.

Thursday, 3 April 2008

Chase spent the day at the Halsalls and was feeling much better, with a 99.3 degree temperature in the morning. He was feeling so much better, smiling and playing all day, though he still had a runny nose (and he hates when we have to use that syringe on his nose!). It was nice to see him feeling better though because we hate when he is sick (though really this is only the 3rd time he's ever been sick.)

After work, we played with him until about 3 pm. I was so tired though from the long night that I needed to take a nap! Tried to take one at home, but he just wanted to play. I tried to see if he would be interested in watching Baby Einstein, but he'll only watch it for so long and then lose interest and want to play with his toys (which is good actually..don't want him getting hooked on TV). We played with his tower of toilet paper rolls. Jay and Shelly came to visit in the late afternoon, but he was very clingy to mommy and didn't want to play with them or smile for them. After eating some dinner and a not-so-pleasant bath, we put him to bed. He no longer has a fever, but he wouldn't tolerate us putting the thermometer under his armpit, so we'll just let him sleep tonight. And, hopefully, I can get some sleep too! Thank goodness it's Friday tomorrow!

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