Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Taiga's Buddy

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Chase did good at Miya's today, after being on vacation from their place for two weeks. She said that she could tell he is growing up. He's crawling around a little bit and loves Taiga. He was the only one who could make Chase laugh today at the park. All the other moms were trying to make him laugh, but he would only laugh for his buddy Taiga. I took Chase to Kahala Mall after Miya's so that I could nurse him in the air conditioned place! Got a Jamba Juice and walked around. I went to 6:30 pm yoga tonight, even though Chase was screaming for mommy as I left. I saw one of my high school classmates, Nani Cockett, at yoga. She said one of our other classmates is getting into Bikram too. Nani was a star basketball and volleyball player in high school, but with Bikram being her first class last night, she sat out some of the class. I told her that's how the first class always is. It's taken me five years to get where I'm at now, and even now I'm not at tip-top shape since I haven't been going regularly for the past year. So, it's like starting at year two again.

Chase was fussy for Chris (who's under the weather and came home early from work today himself). Chris gave him a sponge bath before putting him to sleep.

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