Monday, April 28, 2008

Climbing Stairs!

Monday, 28 April 2008

Chase was up every few hours last night. I think he was overstimulated or something from the afternoon party. He's been sleeping so good lately, and then of course he has to have a bad night...on a Sunday night...the night before I have to start a work week! Ugh!

Needless to say, I was tired at school today, and then I tweaked my neck. It's super sore right now, and I can't turn it one way. I don't think I slept good last night.

But, there was something to celebrate today...Chase climbed up his first set of stairs all by himself! No, it wasn't our new wooden stairs. I don't think I'll ever let him climb those soon, for fear of him falling down the hillside. At the Halsalls today, he climbed up their 8 carpeted stairs in the house. He did it about a month ago with my help. But, this time, he did it all on his own. Of course, I'm not sure I should be encouraging him to climb, but oh well. He's gonna do it eventually. It was very exciting. He just reached up for the next stair and climbed his way, up, up, up.

We went grocery shopping this afternoon, then played at home, played on the lawn, and then at Auntie Stevi and Uncle Gary's house. He started to get cranky with my cousin Geoff at around 6:25 pm, so I headed downstairs to feed Chase and bathe him and put him to bed. He went down quick! Super exhausted I'm am I.

I ate some leftovers and made dinner for Chris, who came home after 8:30 pm from working at the bike shop after his day job.
I'm ready to hit the sack and call it a day. I'm just getting old I tell ya.

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