Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Chase is 14 Months Old!

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Chase is doing much better today, but his ears still really hurt at times. The Halsalls took Chase to Costco so that I could go to my physical therapy appointment this afternoon. Of course, Chase wanted everything in the store. So what did Chase get? A toy. But, Nana was so happy to be reminded that today is Chase's 14 month birthday, so we'll just call the new train a "birthday present".

Chase's latest things:
* Playing with rocks and twigs, the garden hose (with water coming out of it, is even better), tires, and just about anything he can pick up in the yard.
* Running up and down the gravel driveway (I actually have to Chase him so that he doesn't run into the street!)
* Knocking us in the head when he shows us how the birds eat
* Throwing food on the kitchen floor (for mere amusement and to show us how the birds eat)
* Bringing us his shoes when he wants to put them on and go for a walk

Things Chase is REALLY into:
* pinwheels (He doesn't really watch them spin. I think he just likes them because he can hold them in his hand..they're just his size!)
* feeding the birds
* looking for helicopters and airplanes in the sky when he hears them overhead
* cheerios, bread, pasta, poi
* ice chips/cubes (He likes to eat them on hot days, and then throw them all over the floor.)
* cuddling up with his stuffed animals (and then tossing them WWF-style on the floor)
* growling (when he's happy and doing his "he he he" laugh, and when he's frustrated and angry and making his "Incredible Hulk" face)
* following us all over the house
* crawling off the bed
* playing with water (puddles, the hose, the bath, the beach, the pool, ice, rain, the faucets in the sink, etc.)

To put it simply, Chase is one active little toddler. (And according to our doctor's visit yesterday, he's only 19 pounds!)

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