Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sick Baby

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Decided to take Chase to the doctor's this morning after feeling rattling in his chest and wheezing. Chris took off the morning from work (easier for him to do than for me, as I'd have to write sub plans) and took him to the doctor's and to get his prescription. Turns out, he's got bronchiolitis and an ear infection. This is the first time he's ever had a sickness this bad, and his first ear infection. Now he's on antibiotics and cough syrup for the next couple weeks, so we'll see how it goes giving him medicine.

Chase is still as playful as always, but occasionally screams because of his ear infection, and he's been tugging at his ear more. It's so hard to see him scream, but he's been nursing a lot more lately for the fluids (and probably for comfort)...Do I even have any milk left? I guess so...

Auntie Stevi and I caught up this afternoon about the addicting Korean drama we've been watching. We're on a mission to finish it. Perhaps I can nurse and watch at the same time?

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