Saturday, August 16, 2008

Trying Out For "LOST"

Saturday, 16 August 2008

Since my back is still hurting, I didn't do yoga this morning. Instead, we decided to go stand in line for the open casting call for "LOST". Yes, we stood in line for 2 hours total. With my hurt back/hip..i'm suffering now. So, perhaps that wasn't such a great idea for me to stand for that long. There was a huge article in the paper yesterday, so of course Chris wanted to go audition. They were looking for local people, so Chris was sure that me and Chase were more likely to be of interest than himself, but we all had to try anyway. Chase was a champ while we were in line, and we were smart to have brought an umbrella to keep us shaded from the sun. We fed him in line, and tried to entertain him with the weeds and grass around us. He only started to lose it towards the end when we made it into the school cafeteria for our second line of waiting to get our pictures taken. We were #782 and #783. We had to fill out applications with our measurements (I actually had no idea what my waist and hip measurements were, and after calling my aunt and cousin, just took a wild guess - and I was way off), any experience we have, our hobbies, and if we'd be interested in "EXTRA" work. Then they took a picture of us, asked if we speak any other languages. They were looking for local people, so all the haole people like Chris, they just smiled and said "Thank you for coming." They talked a bit more to me. Since Chase was with me too in the picture, they asked if I wanted to include him on my application too. The guy said that I have a great smile and asked if I can speak a little Hawaiian. Even if we don't get picked, at least it was worth a try for the experience. (And you never know...a couple of my coworkers were extras in past seasons)...

My back was killing me afterwards and so Chris and Chase went on the Costco run on their own while I slept in the car.

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