Friday, August 22, 2008

Chase's Latest Things

Friday, 22 August 2008

Chase is like his mommy - He eats all the time, even if he just had a full meal; and if someone else is eating, he doesn't want to miss out. What goes in, must come out though....and he did that a lot too.

My back is feeling much better today. It's not excrutiatingly, unbearable sore, and so it's easier to walk and put pressure on my left leg. But, it still is tender.

As he approaches 14 months of age, Chase is doing lots of fun things...

Chase's latest things:
* Saying "bah bah", meaning "bark bark" when a dog barks. As soon as he hears or sees a dog, he goes "bah bah".
* He nods his head repeatedly to mimic how the birds eat. It's cute, but not so much when you're holding him and he bonks you on the head.
* He still loves giving Mommy hugs. If I bend down to squat, he'll come running over, put his arms around my shoulders, lean his head down on my shoulder, and give me a hug. It's very cute.

While I was cooking popcorn on the stove today, Chase decided to grab his milk bottle from the counter, pour milk all over the floor, and play in it. Fun times!

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