Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Why Didn't I Ever Do This Before?

Thursday, 1 September 2005

Why didn't I ever teach half-time before? Yesterday, at our staff meeting (which I came to on my off-time, mind you it's at 2:15 pm), the first year teachers were yawning and could barely keep their eyes open. I feel a little guilty, but not really. Working until noon, then eating a FULL lunch (and then some) with my dad, and then spending the afternoon with my dad, my uncle, and sometimes my brother, watching a movie, running errands, going to the beach, doing a little schoolwork, watching Oprah.....all before dinner time. Then going to Bikram yoga and having the whole entire evening for myself....Imagine that! For a teacher, that's pretty good! (Of course, I haven't actually started teaching kids yet, so ask me in about a month, and I might react differently.) It's not such a bad deal. I even get full benefits so I can finally go to the doctor and figure out what parasites I got from Thailand and finally get some more contacts for my poor eyes that have been relying on my one-month disposables for four months now. In fact, teaching half-time IS ideal. Why didn't I ever think of this before?

1 comment:

Teresa said...

I'm envious of your schedule....maybe in 10 years I can do the same. I am glad it is working out for you!