Monday, July 31, 2006

Catching Up

Monday, 31 July 2006

Stayed at work an extra two hours, in order to get emails out to teachers and stay organized for the week. Jay was with Dad, and a teacher gave me an extra chicken sandwich from her cafeteria lunch, so that encouraged me to work a little later. As a teacher, you learn that you never catch up with things unless you do things when you are not with the kids, which means most of than not, working overtime for free.

This afternoon, I caught up with some Seattle friends. Chuck, from grad school, who is always entertaining the idea of moving to Hawaiʻi to teach, Christina, who caught me up on the trials of disclipining her son (and as a teacher, of course I had to add my two cents on the matter), and Katherine, teacher and book club friend, who wrote to tell me that she is vacationing in Kauaʻi right now. Also touched bases with Nina on her bridal shower, invitations addressed, and other wedding details, since the big day is a little more than a month away.

Helped Dad do the crossword puzzle, showered him, and then went off to yoga.

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