Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Viva Las Vegas

Tuesday, 11 July 2006

After yoga, I brought lunch to Dadʻs to relieve Jay and they were learning how to use a new attachment to the bi-pap machine. There is a humidifier attachment to help my dadʻs dry mouth when breathing at night. Hopefully, heʻll try to use it now. Heʻs been hesitant to use it as it is cumbersome and he has to get used to wearing this mask completely over his mouth and nose. Although the pulmonologist yesterday confirmed that the machine wonʻt help him to get better, it should help him to breathe more comfortably during the day. Some bad news: Due to my dadʻs increased difficulty in breathing from the recent sleep test and physical checkups, the pulmonologist has recommended that my dad not do any future travel, as the plane air will make it hard for my dad to breathe. So, they will have to cancel their Las Vegas trip at the end of the month to go and watch Lindsey play in her basketball tournament. We also cancelled the Cirque du Soleil tickets we had reserved. He will see if his friends still want to go. Jay said it was okay with him. He was just accompanying my dad because he knew he wanted to go. The doctor said if he wants to go somewhere, he can take short trips to the neighbor islands or go on the cruise around the Hawaiian Islands. But long plane rides are out. Thatʻs really too bad.

I really need to get going on the video taping and tape recording now. I notice each day how my dadʻs talking is labor intensive as he takes deep breaths and pauses often within sentences. I borrowed some childrenʻs picture books from the library so he can start recording them as it looks like sometime this year he will lose his voice.

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