Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Today was a full day of working (even though I'm technically on leave and not getting paid...so how does that work? Geez, I must really miss work!). I attended an administrator's meeting with the librarian and principal of our school with other district folks to go over this year's academic and financial plan. This is the second year I've been helping out with this. It's extra money, but not really worth the extra time you have to put in. We looked at spreadsheets and benchmarks and data, rewriting three years' worth of goals for our school.

At noon, I rushed over to the Halsalls to feed Chase (the leaking and engorgement were signs that I needed to feed him or pump). They were having fun this morning, as Audrey took him for a walk up the hill, visiting the neighbors and then playing and laughing at home. She said I could leave him longer if I wanted, so I could rush back down the hill to school for another meeting with my resource teacher. We reviewed information for our upcoming audit and then prepared a power point and ideas for presenting an inservice to the staff next week. I thought I would only be an hour, but I was there until 3 pm. Once again, engorgement told me when it was time to go, and I was famished, having not had lunch in between my meetings.

I quickly picked up a sandwich at the mall and headed back to the Halsalls. We hung up playing with Chase, who sure was bubbly and funny today. He was in a very good mood, laughing and playing all afternoon. We waited for Chris to come up after work, fed Chase oatmeal (and Audrey discovered that if we make it thicker, he will gobble it up), gave him a bath, changed him into his pjs, and then all five of us headed out to Costco to do some grocery shopping and get dinner at the new Taco Del Mar that opened up today.

We just got home, and after bringing all the groceries and school bags down, we're exhausted! It's now 10:30 pm, and Chase and I left the house at 7:30 this morning! I'll probably have to do more school work and try to go into work tomorrow to get my audit reports done. I'm going to try feeding Chase more oatmeal during the day now that I know the right consistency to make it. He opens his mouth and enjoys feeding time, except he makes quite a face with the tart applesauce! Hopefully, we'll all sleep good tonight!

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