Friday, January 11, 2008

Back to Work

Friday, 11 January 2008

Today was the first official day back to work. It was a teachers' working day, but I tried my best to still get there on time. Surprisingly, Chase actually slept pretty good last night. I woke up once at 3 am, and then again at 6:30 am. I should have gotten him up earlier though because by the time I nursed him, got myself ready, and then made breakfast and got him out of the exersaucer, he had made a HUGE mess in his pants, so that took time to clean up and then I was late. I actually had to wake Chris up to help me as Chase had exploded and had poop all in his diaper, up his back, almost all the way up to his neck. I needed Chris' help just to hold him back so he wouldn't get it all over the place. It was a mess!

So, I dropped Chase off at the Halsalls at 8 am (which is when I really start school, and pre-baby, I usually get to school between 7 - 7:30 am), got to school at 8:10 am, and then worked on cleaning my classroom. I rearranged some shelves, furniture, and changed some bulletin boards. Then I went through the hundreds of emails from the past semester....delete, delete, delete...I didn't even bother reading them!

I had to take time to pump, so I sat there and pumped while checking email. All of a sudden, I felt something wet on my leg. I was in such a zone that I didn't even realize how long it had been leaking, but there was milk overflowing out of the bottles all over my pants and dripping onto the chair and the floor. Gross! (And all I could think about was what a waste of liquid gold!)

After I cleaned up and chatted with another teacher who stopped by, I left later than I wanted to (close to 1 pm) and then stopped by Zippy's to get lunch and got to the Halsalls at 1:15 pm. That will be my challenge: Trying to leave school on time (my last set of students leave at 12:35 pm), so that I can pick Chase up. Of course, his grandparents don't mind I'm sure. But, I just don't want to take advantage.

When I got there, Chase was quietly sucking away....ON A BOTTLE! Wow! Audrey, my mother-in-law, had figured out that by holding him on her shoulder facing her (like I nurse him), he was comfortable holding the bottle and drinking out of it. Of course, I kind of interrupted when I started talking because he heard my voice and automatically pulled away. She said that he was good most of the morning, but got fussy after about 5 hours, probably when he thought "Wait a sec, where is my mother anyway?!". From that point on, he was missing mommy and he could barely let me eat lunch because every time he looked over, he just wanted me to hold him. Ah, separation anxiety...We'll see how being back to work goes.

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