Thursday, January 03, 2008

Would You Buy A Fourth?

Thursday, 3 January 2008

I know I'm behind on the photos....Believe me, I've got some good ones...But, my internet connection has been shoddy these days, so I have to find a good time to post all of them. I'll just keep you in suspense and see if you're really READING my blog, or just looking for the pictures.

Today, we stayed in until the rain subsided again, and then left after lunch to go to the mall. I was meeting Kai and Stacy there at 3 pm, so decided to go a little early to kill time and see if I could use some Macy's gift cards. I ran into Cindy and her mom Alice at Macy's in just the very section I was headed to....Christmas - 75% Sale. They had fun showing me what they found and enjoyed chatting with Chase. He was all talkative and bubbles, admiring the different stockings they had picked out. It was fun catching up with them about my trip to California and talking about Chase's latest milestones.

I picked up a set of glass ornaments and velvet stockings using some gift cards I had. I bought three matching stockings, but when I got home, thought perhaps I should have bought four. You never know...if I have another kid one day, I'll want a matching stocking with the other three. But, perhaps that's a bit premature to buy a fourth, when there isn't a fourth, if you know what I mean. But, will I be able to buy a fourth when there finally is a fourth? Hmmm, I'll have to reassess that one. Perhaps when it's 90% off. Yeah, that would for sure warrant buying a fourth just in case.

Grabbed a table by the center stage and sat and chatted with Kai and Stacy (visiting from Seattle) over coffee and Jamba Juice. We talked about babies, moving to Hawai'i, house stuff, and other exciting news about our friend Maila (hint, hint...Maila, if you're reading this, you'd better call me!). We laughed at how we're finally all coming back home. Once long ago, there were four girls from Hawai'i who met up at a freshman orientation at the Husky Union Building at UW. After years of dorming and being roomies in college, getting Washington state residency, frequenting the malls and different restaurants in Seattle, pouring our money down the drain in rent, starting and finishing grad school, starting our careers, and beginning and ending relationships, we're all slowly coming back home. By the time Stacy and Ryan move back in the summer, all four of us will be right back where we started nearly fifteen years ago, calling ourselves Hawai'i residents once again. But, this time, we're all married (or getting married in Melissa's case) and starting our own little families. I guess we're all grown up now!

We left just as news reporters and hoards of people were arriving (the lines were already all the way down the mall aisles since 2 pm) to see several UH players and get autographed memorabilia. Even though the Warriors lost the Sugar Bowl, locals are always devout fans.

Ate LO's tonight and had fun playing with Mr. Spit-Up Baby. Gotta love the smell of poi and applesauce. He fought going to sleep again tonight. It's hard to force him to go to sleep when he's so cute and fun to play with, but the boy's gotta go to sleep. Unfortunately, he only wanted Mommy to put him to sleep. Such a Momma's Boy I tell you.

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