Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sour Face

Sunday, 13 January 2008

I made it to 7 am yoga this morning and had a great workout. It was crowded, so it's a good thing I got there early (by 6:30 am) to get a good spot. It's super windy and cool today, so it was nice to be in the heat for once.

Chase was still sleeping when I got home, which is great because I was worried he would wake up and be freaking out because I wasn't there. It's so funny how attached to Mommy he is these days. I'll just walk away or hand him to Chris, and within seconds, Chase's face will turn from happy to sour and he'll start pouting and whining. He even gives Chris the meanest stink eye and tracks his every movement, as if he's saying "Hey, Man, don't you dare come near me! I'm watching you!"

The strangest thing is yesterday I discovered Chase's tongue was black near the middle/back. I don't know what it's from. He hasn't been sucking on anything weird that would cause it. Perhaps the poi and prunes he's eating is discoloring his tongue. But, I'm thinking it might be the multivitamin/flouride supplement he started taking. Very strange though. I keep making him laugh so that he'll open his mouth so I can look inside. Chase doesn't seem to be bothered by it, but it's just gross.

Going to check out a table and chairs set today. Chris has been wanting a dining table to sit at when he eats. We've never ever had one growing up because we don't have the space for it. But, we're going to see if we can make room for a small one.

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