Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Cleaning The Crusty Kid

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

It was rainy all day long. I did laundry (though I had to use the dryer and hang the rest all over the house), cleaned the dead bugs in the light fixtures around the house (and boy are the lights brighter now!), and then ran some errands when there was finally a dry moment. We took boxes to recycle at my school, mailed letters, and went grocery shopping at Times. People are still on strike, holding signs and blocking the entrances to the driveways, but I managed to get in when the police officer waved my car through.

I cooked dinner tonight and wrapped up a late Christmas present for Chris. Chris was pleasantly surprised when he got home from getting some groceries himself. Dinner is usually not all ready (with dishes washed too!), by 6 pm! It was nice to have everything all cleaned up (including the baby!) and put Chase to bed by 8 pm.

It gave us time to spend together. And what did we do? Well, Chris had fun attacking the bugs outside with the zapper racket, and I watched the news.

I teased Chris about having to constantly wipe crusty poi off of Chase's face. Who fed and bathed the baby? Did you even wash his face?! An hour later, I was still wipping off poi off his eyelids, his ears, and his hair! Geez, that was one dirty baby who already had a bath! (And if you know poi, it leaves a crusty layer on your skin, so you can practically peel it off like old skin.)

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