Saturday, January 12, 2008

Hiking Diamond Head

Saturday, 12 January 2008

This morning, we all slept in. I must have been exhausted, because even I slept in, way past 7 am yoga. Even Chase slept in. We all woke up around 9 am.

We headed to buy a swing from a gal nearby (This way we can keep a swing at Miya's when she watches him), and then we took Chase on his first hiking trip. We hiked up Diamond Head. It was nice because it wasn't too hot and sunny. Chris held him in the Baby Bjorn, and Chase was awake almost the entire way. We took pictures at the top and then had a nice walk back down (of course, going down is always easier than going up those steep stairs!). The whole thing took us about an hour. We should make it a weekly excursion because we live so close (about 10 minutes away). It was good exercise after not going to yoga this morning.

We stopped at Ruger Market, a local mom-and-pop convenience store/Hawaiian food place. We got chicken long rice bowls and some poi to feed Chase, though he wasn't too into it. Then, we went to nearby Waiola's to enjoy some refreshing shaved ice. Chase just eyed it out, salivating and wanting to grab our cups. No sugar rush for him just yet!

Got home just in time for Chris to redo the screen door and for this guy to come and check out our electrical stuff. I met his wife on Honolulu Mommies, the mommy/baby forum I visit online. Her brother-in-law owns an electrician company, so she sent her husband over to check out our electrical stuff in the house and give us advice on any updating necessary and how much it would cost to add a new outlet for an A/C window unit in Chase's room. He was very helpful and wrote some things down for us. It was really nice of her to send him. HM has become sort of a sisterhood, a nice resource where moms not only share advice on raising babies, but also on resources and networking. I haven't even met this gal, and here she was asking her husband to do me a favor. It was really nice of them, and it's always good to get free advice on house stuff!

We stayed home tonight. Chase had the strangest bout of anxiety with Chris tonight and was just staring him down, tracking his every move and giving him stink eye and the pouty lip. Again, he just wanted Mommy. He was tired though and went to sleep early, as we had such a busy day.

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