Friday, January 25, 2008

Date Night

Friday, 25 January 2008

We had a "date night" tonight and went to dinner at Uncle Bo's Restaurant.

In the book Babyproofing Your Marriage, the authors say that they know how challenging it is to not talk about the homefront when your having date night, so they list some possible conversation topics in hopes that we can possibly prepare statements ahead of time:

Here's exactly what they said....
"* Politics (on second thought, nah)
* Global warming: myth or just a problem for your kids to deal with?
* Favorite sexual positions
* The existence of God
* List of things you want to do before you die (cycling the Alps, running a marathon, getting a pedicure)
* List of things you wish your spouse would do for (and/or to) you before you die
* Which celebrity you'd most like to sleep with, and, if you ever meet them, do you have permission to do so?"

Unfortunately, we did not have our statements ready ahead of time, so we ended up talking about our work week and the baby most of the time. Plus, we ended up picking not the greatest entrees for our meal. We should have stuck to the pupus like we had the other night. At least we know for next time. We stopped by the new Safeway on the way home to get some baby food and groceries. When we got home at 9 pm (we both were tired because Chase was up every couple hours last night, so we had to call it a night), Chase was crying at Auntie Stevi's. My cousin Lauren was trying to console him, but all he wanted was Mommy. Ah, such is life with a baby. We'll have to try "date night" again again sometime.

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