Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Drinking From A Cup

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Chase had another good day at Miya's today. She is enjoying using the Beco baby carrier with him. She told me she even changed Taiga while carrying Chase in the carrier, and Taiga kept going "Baby, head. Baby, head" as Chase was leaning his head backwards towards Taiga.

Today, she discovered that Chase likes to drink out of a cup! She gave up on the bottle because he was just playing with the nipple. He bit the edge of the cup and just lapped up the milk. So, now we have to go buy cups. It's always just experimenting with different things. So, now we have a 6 1/2 month old that has two teeth on the bottom, likes to stand, likes to hold and put the spoon in his mouth when he's eating, and now, likes to drink out of a cup (though he still prefers milk straight out of the tap for sure!)! He ate all his poi and fruit in five minutes, she said. Our little boy is growing up!

This afternoon, we went to a mommy get-together at Marla's house in Palolo. She lived directly below our house! When I stood on the street and looked up, there were the stilts and lanai to our house! We went for a goodbye party for two gals that are leaving for the mainland soon. We hung out with the moms and other kiddos. Chase was super excited and liked sitting on the grass with the other babies. He got cold hanging out in the backyard though because we were in the shade. Luckily, another mom had brought a whole box of boy clothes that she was getting rid of, so we all went through them and clothed our babies with additional things to keep them warm. When Chase left, he had an orange shirt, blue camo pants, and a yellow fleece mismatched!

Being back at school for me is getting better....though one of the teachers did my copying for me since I was trying to leave and all the machines were taken up. I was still so exhausted by 12:30 pm, and I don't have any prep time! I'll have to figure out (within the next month) whether or not I want to work part-time, full-time, or not at all!

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