Friday, January 04, 2008

Chase's 6 Month Checkup

Friday, 4 January 2008

We had Chase's 6 month well checkup today at the pediatrician's, where he got his shots (which he screamed at first) and the liquid vaccine (which he spit out of course). Chase's stats include weight: 15 lbs. 2 oz. (He's in the 10th percentile, so still small for his age, but he's growing in an upward trend from where he was previously. The doctor said that, due to genetics, he probably has our lean frame and metabolism.), length: 25 inches long (5-10 percentile), and head circumference: 43 1/4 cm (25th percentile - This is the area he grew the most, which means his head is getting bigger....AHHH!).

Dr. Sia called Chase "Lean and Mean". He still says that Chase is very sociable and was happy to hear that he is doing fine eating solids and is still breastfeeding. We'll just have to keep experimenting with new foods with more textures and keep giving him more fruit to help his output (since he's still only a once or twice a-weeker, even with solid feeding the past two months). Looks like we need to start adding prunes to his diet so that his amount of output starts to match his amount of input. When asked what sounds he makes these days, I told him "ah", "buh", "muh", and "eee"...Sometimes he actually says "mommy" but I don't think he means it. The doctor looked at Chris and said, "Ah, you haven't been drilling him huh? Usually they say "Daddy" first because the "d" sounds are usually easier, but maybe he hears "m" a lot from "mum mum" when you feed him, so he may say "Mommy" first!" He also says that Chase will probably skip crawling (since he can already stand with support and has strong legs) and go straight to cruising (holding onto furniture while standing and walking with support) and walking; and he thinks he'll probably be walking early and running before too long, so WATCH OUT!

We celebrated by eating out at Panda Express at Kahala Mall for dinner. We met up with the Halsalls (who often frequent there on Friday nights) and also ran into a teacher friend and Bernice's sister Sheila and Patrick, who met Chase for the first time. I bought a book on baby food recipes, so we'll see if I get inspired to make my own baby food (which would totally be healthier and cheaper, and we've already got the extra ice cube trays to freeze the food). Time to break out the magic bullet!

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