Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Sleep Is Good

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

We all slept in this morning, as we should...After all, it's the first day of a new year ahead of us. There are births, marriages, growing of teeth, throwing of food, larger and stinkier poops, crawling, cruising, walking, talking, planning of the 1st birthday lu'au, and lots of other things to look forward to. I have a feeling it will be a busy year, especially once Chase starts taking off running. So, if we all sleep in one day, let it be.

We went to eat brunch at the Halsalls. It's been awhile since we had waffles and turkey bacon and fruit. Alas, we had pancakes instead. We stayed until 3pm. Audrey and Chris brought Chase outside to play with the leaves, and he was fascinated by his shadow. He tried to bat at them and grab them. Chase's two bottom teeth are finally poking through. So, now when he grabs your finger and puts it in his mouth, it actually kind of scrapes your finger. Hmmm, shall we have to discuss weaning soon, my dear son?

We went home to watch the Sugar Bowl...If you failed to catch Georgia State kick UH's butt on TV, well, let's just say, it wasn't pretty. But, UH has never made it this far, and that was a feat in itself. I know Dad was probably watching. It was all the news anchors could talk about all night.

Chris cooked pasta for dinner tonight. It's nice that we can trade off cooking meals every once in awhile, of course when I'm napping and I just don't get up to make anything, that kinda decides for itself who's gonna make the next meal.

Chase had trouble sleeping tonight when I put him down at 8 pm. I'm really trying to get him back on his schedule like he was on before our trip to California. He fought it, so as he was in his swing, I read him a story (Even though it was from the Island Scene magazine - a magazine from our health insurance company - It really doesn't matter what you read at this age...What matters is what tone of voice you use.). He just laughed at me. He thought it was the most hilarious thing. That's the cutest thing. I read him a lullaby book and played the cd that goes along with it. He really liked it, but then he just wanted to stay up all night long. He finally went to bed (close to 11 pm), after a series of Chris walking him up and down the stairs, more nursing, and more swinging.

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