Saturday, March 15, 2008

Chase's Latest Things

* Sticking his tongue out
* Playing with the food source, grabbing, and pulling it with his hands (ouch!) - I always tell him "No", but he thinks it's funny and just laughs (Uh Huh....)
* Standing on his toes (often in the wide stance/splits position - perhaps he's getting ready to do triangle pose or something)
* Standing and holding onto things (When we're practicing standing up, if he gets too far back, he falls and lands on his butt - before he used to fall all the way on his back and hit his head on the ground.)
* Moving by kicking his legs and pivoting on his butt
* Singing with Mommy (His fave tune: "Ahhhh, Ahhhh, Ahhhh")
* Laughing when mommy laughs
* Growling like a dog (although he seems to have surpassed this phase and is on to new and improved sounds)
* Scrunching up his face, wrinkling his nose, and huffing and puffing through his nose
* Playing with toys or sippy cups or bowls while sitting at the table and throwing them on the floor (repeatedly)...I remember this with Christina's Max...It becomes a game after the second or third time. "Let's see how many times Mommy and Daddy will pick it up for me."
* Enjoying playing peek-a-boo
* Getting up on all fours like he wants to crawl, bouncing up and down, but....he's either going to crawl or walk soon...can't figure out which one he prefers.
* Grabbing and pulling Daddy's arm and leg hairs (ouch!)
* We've been introducing signs to him ("more", "no", "cereal", "poi"), but he's not quite good at his hands yet. We'll see if he learns them in time.

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