Saturday, March 15, 2008


Saturday, 15 March 2008

The Honolulu Star Bulletin featured an article on Bikram yoga in this morning's paper. Check out the link on the right of my blog labeled "I Love Bikram Yoga!" They interviewed my friend Alexis, the owner of the Kaimuki studio that I go to and talked about the controversial, hot yoga (that many say must be for Type A personalities - crazy people I tell ya!) that I just haven't been able to live without for the past five years.

This morning, I did 9 am yoga because Chase was super fussy this morning and I couldn't get out of the house in time for the 7 am class. I ended up walking him up and down the stairs and strolling him around in the stroller on the driveway, before he eventually fell asleep (right as the neighbors' yardmen started their loud mowing of grass too! But, actually, I think the noise helped him fall asleep!) Class was hot as usual (go figure), but I got through it. I always remember why I don't go at 9 am. Yes, it's a little hotter because now the sun is out, but it's mainly because I'm so hungry at 9 am. And to think I have to wait another two hours before I eat (after not having eaten my last meal since dinner) is overbearing for me! But, I'm glad I went because I knew I was going to be home all day with Chase.

Chris went bike riding (after months of a hiatus) and so Chase and I hung out all afternoon. First, we took a nap. Thank goodness, he napped while I napped on the floor next to the swing. We both just passed out. I spent a lot of the day inputting my phone numbers on my new phone. I have to look at my old phone and figure out the buttons for my new phone. I recently transferred carriers (from Sprint to T-Mobile, because I never could use my phone at the house, and now I'm on a family plan with Chris so it just makes more sense), got a free phone, but now have to transfer each and every phone number...I think I'm only half way through the alphabet, and I've been working on it all week!

We visited Auntie Stevi upstairs and then I took Chase to Kahala Mall to get out of the heat (yes, it's that time of year again. I know you might be thinking, well, it's Hawai'i, isn't it always hot? But, no, it was a little cooler during the "winter" season, so now it's definitely getting hotter. Gone are those pesky bugs that I kept having to sweep up daily, but now comes the heat, so I don't even want to be in the house cleaning!). There really wasn't anything to look at. I ran into a couple of my students, though they always give you that shy look because I'm in non-teacher clothing and they're always shy around their parents all of a sudden. I don't think they ever think that their teacher REALLY lives outside the classroom.

I picked up Korean food at Gina's plate lunch place for dinner and brought it home by 7 am, just in time for Chris to come home from his bike ride nice and hungry. We ate, fed Chase, bathed him, then put him to bed. Then, we watched a movie, "The Bourne Ultimatum," although in true Tanya-style, I fell asleep within the first ten minutes and missed the whole thing. Good thing we own it on DVD.

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