Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Many Uses of Extra TP

Saturday, 22 March 2008

Chase's schedule has been thrown off ever since I've been on break. He seems to want to play at 5 am these days. This morning I went to 7 am yoga, which felt really good. I ran into a regular I hadn't seen so "regularly" and she didn't even know that I had a baby and that my dad passed away. Talk about 'Long Time No See'!

After feeding Chase breakfast, I packed him up in the hiking pack and walked up the hill with Auntie Stevi to check out a garage sale in the neighborhood. Apparently, she and Lauren had already been garage saleing since early this morning! But, the one we went to sucked. We hung out a bit at her house, playing with the dog and trying to get "locked-knee", "sumo-style-walking" baby to walk. But, he had more fun lunging at and trying to pull the dog's hair.

Since Chase didn't go down for a nap while we were walking, he went down for a later nap and had a later lunch than usual. Chris and I did laundry and made our grocery list before heading to Costco after he woke up. Many trips up and down the stairs later, with lots of extra toilet paper (since we realized after the fact that we really weren't out of toilet paper!), we decided to play "knock 'em over" with Chase...knocking towers of toilet paper that is. He had fun, we played peek-a-boo (all you have to do is hide your eyes, not your body, and Chase gets totally startled!) and now we have a pyramid wall of Kirkland toilet paper on the bedroom floor. I'm sure it will provide hours of entertainment tomorrow as well.

Last night, Chase cried it out for 30 minutes before eventually falling asleep in his crib. Tonight, he cried for 15 minutes before falling asleep in "child's pose" sideways near the top of the crib. We had to wait awhile before moving him so that we made SURE he was asleep.

And so far he's been asleep for 3 hours. Let's cross our fingers that he stays asleep a few more...

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