Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Curse of Being A Teacher

Thursday, 20 March 2008

It's the teachers' curse. Your body holds out when you're teaching, and then when vacation comes along..BAM! Your body says, "Okay, you can get sick now." This morning I woke up all congested, sore throat, blowing out the nasties, and my head and ears hurt. Looks like I have an infection. Chase has been sneezing too, but I hope he is not sick. He is a tough little guy, so he'll probably be fine. But, I dropped him of at the Halsalls at 11 am so that I could come home and rest and get some work done on my report cards. It worked out great leaving him there yesterday afternoon, even though he had a hard time going down last night because he had a late afternoon nap. (He ended up crying it out for twenty minutes and eventually, after we all hung out in the dark next to the pack n play, soothing him, but not picking him up, he fell asleep in sitting up position in the corner of the playpen, with his head down toward his feet. Talk about uncomfortable! He was probably just exhausted from crying. Chris laid him down the right way and he slept most of the night.

Today, Stewart finished the second set of stairs and railings. Uncle Gary and Auntie Stevi are so impressed with his work that I think they're going to hire him for some work as well. Next week, Stewart will work on the last set of stairs and then after that, get started on the lanai (He's slowly making his way down to our's a long way there!). The stairs look good though, and they're sturdy! He even said that he can even add a little railing for Chase if we want. Talked to him about fishing and about his family and how he started out here in the Navy and never left! He said he'll add another circuit breaker and line for another A/C before the summer heat comes so that Chase will be cooler in his room.

I better get my report cards done in the next few hours so that I can look forward to watching the new episode of "Lost" tonight. One of the moms on Honolulu Mommies let us know about an ad in Sunday's paper advertising a casting call for babies to play Aaron. It said, "Lost," the hit TV show, seeks babies for the role of Aaron; children can be boys or girls, 8-15 pounds, with blue, green, or gray eyes and blond or no hair; Send photos, name and phone number to ". Too bad Chase is too big now, and although he has the eyes, the blond (though his Nana was wishing he had blond hair!) was the recessive gene in the family....His hair is definitely too dark to play the role of Aaron.
Though Chris mentioned that he could shave Chase's head!

Okay, back to work (and I don't mean blogging or looking for cars on Craigslist or fooling around on Facebook)...because, another curse of being a teacher is that even though I'm sick and on break, a teacher's work never ends...

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