Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Poor baby has his first fever. Well, I guess he's gotten a fever before, but that was from vaccinations. This one is out of the blue. It's a good thing Miya noticed it. She's so good. She always writes these detailed notes about his time with her, so that I won't feel like I missed out on anything while I was at work. But, unfortunately, the feverish part didn't come until the end of the day. Could be from teething perhaps? But, perhaps he's fighting something, as other people around have been sick. He took three naps at Miya's and all of a sudden, at 1 pm, he got super fussy and clingy, when he's normally happy-go-lucky. He had a low-grade fever by the time I picked him up at 1:30 pm. We sat in the air-conditioned room for awhile at home, and his head and neck were super hot, so I patted him with a wet cloth. He just wanted to be held all afternoon and took another snooze for an hour and a half. I put him down to play with his toys, but he was only interested in them briefly until the separation anxiety set in. He's drooling a lot too, so could it be his 4 teeth that have popped through on top? I tried to feed him some pears and mum mums, but he just wanted to be carried, and ended up spitting them up anyway within ten minutes. His temperature went from nearly 102 degrees at 5:30 pm to 100 degrees at 8 pm tonight. He took another nap before dinner, and Chris fed him some poi and pears. He was a bit verbal and not as cranky, and his head had cooled off a bit. But, he was not happy in the bath, and once we dried him, he threw up all over himself, and Chris caught a bunch of it in his hands. So, back in the bath he went...and it wasn't spit was stinky vomit. So, in goes a second load of laundry of baby stuff for the evening.

It wasn't all bad today though, as Miya's note indicated:

- 1 shi shi/poop and 2 shi shi diapers
- Ate 3 oz milk and cereal at 8:30 am
1 poi and 3/4 fruit at 12:15 pm
mum mums and cheerios here and there for snack
-Slept 9:00 - 9:50 am (I think he could have slept more but because he shi shi'd a lot...wet his clothes and poop, he woke up)
-Slept again 11:00 - 12:15
-Went for a stroll to the flea market and went to see turtles and fish. Very alert and vocal. Taiga blew bubbles for him which, at first, he didn't like, but after awhile he had fun watching the bubbles. At first he made a real funny face, but after awhile, it turned to a smile. (=
- Played in front of the mirror for a good 15 minutes - uninterrupted! I didn't even need to be in the room cause he was so busy playing with the other Chase in the mirror. Too funny!

This morning, after I dropped Chase off at Miya's, I stopped by the Diamond Head Mortuary to drop off some wedding flowers and a lei. I arranged some roses and orchids in the pots near my grandparents' headstones and told them I'd come by later with Chase. We never made it back though this afternoon because of his fever. When he feels better, we'll stop by again so that we can say hi.

We'll have my mother-in-law watch Chase tomorrow instead of Miya just in case he's fighting some sort of infection as we don't want to get Taiga sick. We'll keep an eye on him tonight and watch to see if his temperature goes up. He's still nursing though, so that's good. He'll keep his fluids up that way. Could be an ear infection or a cold. Hope he's back to his happy self tomorrow. He just seems miserable. It's one thing if we get sick. It's another thing if baby gets sick. Poor baby.

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