Sunday, March 16, 2008

Family Sunday Fun

Sunday, 16 March 2008

I just love when the yoga teacher is totally energized and challenges you in class. It really motivates me to push harder. It was such a good class at 7 am this morning! After a kick-butt Bikram yoga workout, I went home to chow down. Chase was ready to play. We spent the morning breaking down block towers, playing hide and go seek behind the tower of blocks (where only my eyes were hidden of course, but he had no idea where I was until I jumped up!), watching him scoot on his butt around the living room to get different things, squealing at the top of his lungs, laughing, and standing. He was wired by 10 am! I had to put him in the swing (which we're trying to wean him from) in order to put him down for a nap at 11:30 am because he was just so hyper!

We did a couple loads of laundry, then we headed to Bishop Museum for Family Sunday. Once a month, they have Family Sunday, where they have discounted admission, rides, food, and entertainment, along with the regular exhibits to see. We were originally going to go to the Academy of Arts to see the exhibit on Bhutan for their Family Sunday, but we hadn't been to the Bishop Museum and hadn't seen the new Science Adventure Center. So, we went to Bishop Museum instead.

It was a lot of fun. The funniest, and grossest, exhibit was called Grossology. It's on until the end of April. It was about everything gross, like matching the different kinds of animal poop to the animal, tapeworms, smelly things, blood, etc. There were lots of interactive games for kids to play. Chase was too young to engage in anything, but I had fun taking pictures of gross things. We also also got to see the volcano, wave machine, and see how swells affect the islands, when we went to the Science Adventure Center. Although hot, it was a neat exhibit. Lots of hands-on things for elementary school kids to enjoy. I got to show Chris the venue where we'll be having Chase's 1st birthday lu'au in June, and we got to look at the galleries, bumped into a friend, ate Hawaiian food, and enjoyed taking pictures around the grounds. We discovered new things, like the floor in the Hawaiian Hall with the rare paintings and Hawaiian royalty artifacts. That was pretty neat. We also saw the Hawaii Hall Sports of Fame with local athletes who have made it big in their respective sports, whether it be surfing, sumo wrestling, or Olympic swimming. And some of them even became famous actors afterwards!

We left almost at closing at 5 pm. We missed the planetarium show, but Chase was fussy and tired at the point we were in line, so we had to get out of line for that show.

We were tired and hungry, but just in time to drive to Ward Center to meet the Halsalls (who had gone to the Honolulu Festival for a different sort of cultural exploration) for an early dinner of hamburger and a basket of skinny french fries (yum!) at Kua'aina Burgers. Chase was totally excited to see them, ate some poi, and had fun squealing away. Chris treated all of us to Ben & Jerry's ice cream afterwards. Talk about indulging! (And poor Chase, he tried to grab everything we were eating, but all he got to eat were his Gerber strawberry apple puffs and mum mum crackers!) After the Hawaiian food, nachos, popcorn, burgers, fries, and now ice cream that I consumed today, I'll need to go to Bikram yoga everyday this week! Talk about a heart attack waiting to happen!

Got home just in time to give a tired Chase a bath and put him to bed by 7:45 pm. I'm about to put myself to bed. It was a fun, but exhausting day.

I'll bring Chase to Nana's tomorrow, even though I don't have to go to work, because I know she'll want to see him, and I could use the time to focus on report cards and taxes and stuff.

Let the Spring Break begin!

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