Wednesday, June 18, 2008

An Active Hairstyle With An Active Baby

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Yesterday, I took a break from cleaning my classroom and packing books and party stuff. I had a day of beauty, which included some waxing and a much needed haircut, with a new style and highlights. I like my new bob (like Katie Holmes with no bangs - as I was too afraid to commit to them), but now I need to get a hairdryer and learn how to style it correctly.

Since I took a break yesterday, I had to get back to it today and work on finishing my soap favors. I used up all my glycerin, all 20 pounds of it. So I probably have over 250 bars of soap. Wow! That was a lot of work! Easy, but time consuming.

Chase spent all day at the Halsalls again. They have been real helpful taking care of him so I can get all of my work done. He got all beat up today. By the time I picked him up, he had a bruise on his face from banging his left cheek on a rock outside and he had a bunch of slivers in his leg and foot from crawling on the lanai. Plus he had no afternoon nap, so he was exhausted by the time 7 pm rolled around, and he was out.

Such a boy I tell you. If he keeps it up, I'm going to have to find an easier hairstyle for myself because I don't have time to chase Chase around AND blowdry and style my hair!

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