Friday, June 06, 2008

Summer is Here!

Friday, 6 June 2008

Yesterday was the last day of school for students. This was the last year of having 6th grade. So, both our 5th and 6th graders graduated. There were nice videos and songs during an assembly. Two teachers retired. And, then our principal announced that he is retiring too. Today was spent finishing up reports on the computer, looking through catalogs to order textbooks and supplies for next year, and making my schedule for next year. I have the daunting task of purging and packing up my things to move classrooms. I moved last summer from a small classroom to a big classroom. Now I'm moving again to be closer to the middle of campus (not such a far walk for my kindergartners). I have to collect boxes this weekend and go back in next week to start packing. I hate moving.

Yesterday and today, in the afternoon, I went to the Rec Center to have Sam help me make soap favors for Chase's birthday. Oh, yeah, that's another reason why I didn't get much done yesterday because I spent time laminating his photos at school and cutting these small round circles. They're turning out cute though. I've spent 3 hours at a time. I think I have about 80 soaps so far. It's slow because you have to do it in layers and I only have so many molds. Some got messed up with bubbles and splitting. Guess those will go to the close relatives.

Chase has been taking only half hour naps this week...sometimes only one in the morning and that's it. So, he's been exhausted by the time dinner rolls around. This afternoon, after Chris picked up the car from getting detailed, he picked up Chase and then fed him dinner and bathed him. I came home just in time to nurse him and put him to bed at 7 pm. The past couple of nights he's only woken up once in the night to nurse, around 1:45 am a couple nights ago and at 4:15 am last night. Then he goes right back to bed and wakes up at 6 am. He's playing so hard these days.

Ah, summer is finally here. And so is the rain tonight. Good...our grass needs it.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

You lucky duck! We have only 7 daays to go though. Mrs. Wicklund is retiring this year! What, hate moving? Goodness knows you are good at it by now (;