Saturday, June 28, 2008

Copying Mommy

Saturday, 28 June 2008

Though I could have made it, I skipped yoga this morning so that I could spend time with Mom and Gary as they left this morning. We introduced Chase to some new toys in the living room. He likes the Lightning McQueen car, which makes ignition noises, has a radio, and a spoiler (fancy toys these days). But, he probably likes the balloon the most. He was waving to Elmo on the balloon all morning. All week long, he has started waving and shaking his hands like I do when I say "All Pau!" (all done). It's like he turned one and all of a sudden, something clicked in his brain, and he decided to do all these things.

So, of course, we have him doing all these circus tricks now. Watch Chase do this. this. Do that. It's really cute though. He totally studies your every move and just mimics you.

As we were driving around today, he was winking at me and waving simultaneously. I'm going to teach him how to wink and wave and blow kisses at the ladies.

I did loads of laundry today (gave Chris a break...for some reason, now that I'm not working and the party is over, I feel like I have more time and energy to actually do stuff around the house!).

Then, we went to Fisher (an office supply store) and I used my purchase order to buy $125 worth of supplies for the classroom. Lots of composition books, white boards, erasers, containers, and folders. I ran into about four random people there, a family friend, a teacher, someone from yoga, etc.

We had "linner" at Antonio's, a pizza/calzone joint. Chase was funny. I was eating my calzone, while holding him on my lap. I would cut a piece and then dip it in the pizza sauce before eating it. All of a sudden, Chase took a piece of bread and dipped it in the sauce too! It got all over his hand! I laughed. He totally is mimicking everything we do! I have to watch my every move now because someone is watching me! (Just wait till he starts talking! Yikes!)

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